Rarity: S Rank
Position: Swap Agent
Faction: Belobog Heavy Industries
Attribute: Electric
Role: Anomaly

"Is there something odd going on with your microphone's audio?" "Hmm, it's possible that a stray hair got in..."
"Mind if I check your inner parts for you?"

S Rank Agent
Term Guide

Belobog Heavy Industries

Grace Howard


Stat Guide
Faction: Belobog Heavy Industries
Switch pricing
Max Lv. 60
HP 602
ATK 119
DEF 48
Impact 83
CRIT Rate 5%
Anomaly Mastery 115
Anomaly Proficiency 116
PEN Ratio 0%
Energy Regen 1.2
HP 7,482
ATK 750
DEF 600
Impact 83
CRIT Rate 5%
Anomaly Mastery 115
Anomaly Proficiency 116
PEN Ratio 0%
Energy Regen 1.2
Attribute: PhysicalFighting Style: Pierce
Basic ATK
High-Pressure Spike
Attribute: PhysicalFighting Style: Pierce

Press Basic Attack to activate:
Unleashes up to 4 attacks, dealing Physical DMG and Electric DMG.
While launching Basic Attacks, drag the Ultimate to attack while moving. This allows Grace to reposition herself and deal Physical DMG.

While Grace is launching Basic Attacks, her Basic Attack combo will not be interrupted by her Special Attacks, EX Special Attacks, Dodge, Dash Attacks, or Dodge Counter.

Safety Regulation

Press Dodge to activate:
A rapid dodge.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Attribute: PhysicalFighting Style: Pierce
Dash ATK
Quick Inspection
Attribute: PhysicalFighting Style: Pierce

Press Basic Attack during a dodge to activate:
Slide forwards and shoot, dealing Physical damage.

Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce
Dodge Counter
Violation Penalty
Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce

Press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate:
Throws a grenade at enemies, dealing Electric damage.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce
Quick Assist
Incident Management
Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce

When the on-field character is launched in the air, press Ultimate to activate:
Throws a grenade at the enemy, dealing Electric DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Evasive Assist
Coming Soon
Rapid Risk Response

When the character on field is about to be attacked, press Ultimate to activate:
Dodges the enemy's attack and activates Vital View.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce
Assist Follow-Up
Counter Volt Needle
Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce

Press Basic Attack after an Evasive Assist to activate:
Unleashes a spinning hail of bullets against enemies in front and throws a grenade, dealing Electric DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce
Obstruction Removal
Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce

Press Special to activate:
Throws a grenade to the front, dealing Electric damage.
Upon use, drag the Ultimate to change directions.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce
Supercharged Obstruction Removal
Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce

With enough Energy, press Special to activate:
Leap in the air and throw two grenades to the front, dealing massive Electric DMG.
Upon use, drag the Ultimate to change directions.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce
Chain ATK
Collaborative Construction
Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate:
Throws three grenades into the air then strafes to detonate them, dealing massive Electric DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce
Demolition Blast – Beware
Attribute: ElectricFighting Style: Pierce

When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press Ultimate to activate:
Throws a custom grenade which explodes in the air and splits into four smaller grenades, dealing massive Electric DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Term Guide
Combat Expertise
Swap Agent
Role: Anomaly
Rank S
Increases ATK by 12%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Increases ATK by 15%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 31 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Increases ATK by 18%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 37 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Increases ATK by 21%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 43 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Increases ATK by 24%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 50 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
PEN Ratio : 9.6% - 24%
Base ATK : 46 - 684
Grace Howard

Best Alternative W-Engines

Disk Drive
Disk Drive Stats
Skill Priority
Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 34, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 38, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 42, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 48, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
ATK : 10% - 25%
Base ATK : 40 - 594
MAX Adv. Stat | ATK : 25%
Base ATK : 594
BASE Adv. Stat | ATK : 10%
Base ATK : 40
For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.8% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 3.2% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 3.6% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 4% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Anomaly Proficiency : 30 - 75
Base ATK : 40 - 594
MAX Adv. Stat | Anomaly Proficiency : 75
Base ATK : 594
BASE Adv. Stat | Anomaly Proficiency : 30
Base ATK : 40
When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10% and they deal an additional 15% more DMG to the target.
When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 11.5% and they deal an additional 17.5% more DMG to the target.
When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 13.% and they deal an additional 20% more DMG to the target.
When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 14.5% and they deal an additional 22.5% more DMG to the target.
When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 16% and they deal an additional 25% more DMG to the target.
Anomaly Proficiency : 30 - 75
Base ATK : 40 - 594
MAX Adv. Stat | Anomaly Proficiency : 75
Base ATK : 594
BASE Adv. Stat | Anomaly Proficiency : 30
Base ATK : 40
When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration, allowing several effects to be active at once: Increases the equipper's ATK by 8%, increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 40, or increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 25%.
When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration, allowing several effects to be active at once: Increases the equipper's ATK by 9.2%, increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 46, or increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 28%.
When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration, allowing several effects to be active at once: Increases the equipper's ATK by 10.4%, increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 52, or increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 32%.
When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration, allowing several effects to be active at once: Increases the equipper's ATK by 11.6%, increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 58, or increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 36%.
When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration, allowing several effects to be active at once: Increases the equipper's ATK by 12%, increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 64, or increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 40%.
ATK : 10% - 25%
Base ATK : 42 - 624
MAX Adv. Stat | ATK : 25%
Base ATK : 624
BASE Adv. Stat | ATK : 10%
Base ATK : 42

Best Drive Discs

2-PC :

Increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30.

4-PC :

When an EX Special Attack hits an enemy, reduce the target's Anomaly Buildup RES to the equipper's Attribute by 20% for 8s. This effect does not stack with others of the same attribute.

2-PC :

Energy Regen increases by 20%.

4-PC :

Launching a Chain Attack or Ultimate increases all squad members' DMG by 15% for 12s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.

Skill Priority

Coming Soon
Synergy Match
Agent Synergies
Coming Soon

"Is there something odd going on with your microphone's audio?" "Hmm, it's possible that a stray hair got in..."
"Mind if I check your inner parts for you?"
