
"Ah, another annoying commission... I should've taken a different shift." —Ellen Joe
"Let's end it here. I'm tired." "Just a moment, let me check... there's still... two questions left!"
"...zzz..." "Miss Ellen? Miss Ellen? She's already asleep..."
"Glutton" - the name Soukaku's been called the most. Few people know her full nickname is: The cute little one who always gobbles down everything she can and is super happy when full but can't reed or write.
Can resolve any matter. The most trusted of attendants, and solid support for any team. Rational and wise, a true gentleman who can't tolerate a single stain. Offers absolute loyalty to the one he decides to follow.
Though outwardly sophisticated and rational, his innate feral character will reveal itself when faced with certain dangers.

Ice Agents
