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Latest In Ice

"Ah, another annoying commission... I should've taken a different shift." —Ellen Joe
"Let's end it here. I'm tired." "Just a moment, let me check... there's still... two questions left!"
"...zzz..." "Miss Ellen? Miss Ellen? She's already asleep..."

"Glutton" - the name Soukaku's been called the most. Few people know her full nickname is: The cute little one who always gobbles down everything she can and is super happy when full but can't reed or write.

Can resolve any matter. The most trusted of attendants, and solid support for any team. Rational and wise, a true gentleman who can't tolerate a single stain. Offers absolute loyalty to the one he decides to follow.

Though outwardly sophisticated and rational, his innate feral character will reveal itself when faced with certain dangers.

Ice Agents

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Attribute INFO


Dealing Ice DMG to enemies accumulates Ice Attribute Anomaly, triggering the Freeze and Frostbite effects. Freeze immobilizes enemies, preventing them from taking action for a certain period. Shatter is activated when Freeze ends, interrupting enemy movement and dealing Ice DMG. Frostbite increases the CRIT DMG taken by the target for a specified duration.

Ice W-Engines

All W-Engines
Role: Attack
Rank S
Increases Ice DMG by 25%. Upon hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by 10% for 8s. When dealing Ice DMG with a Dash Attack, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by an additional 10% for 15s. The duration of each effect is calculated separately.
Increases Ice DMG by 31.5%. Upon hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by 12.5% for 8s. When dealing Ice DMG with a Dash Attack, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by an additional 12.5% for 15s. The duration of each effect is calculated separately.
Increases Ice DMG by 38%. Upon hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by 15% for 8s. When dealing Ice DMG with a Dash Attack, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by an additional 15% for 15s. The duration of each effect is calculated separately.
Increases Ice DMG by 44.5%. Upon hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by 17.5% for 8s. When dealing Ice DMG with a Dash Attack, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by an additional 17.5% for 15s. The duration of each effect is calculated separately.
Increases Ice DMG by 50%. Upon hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by 20% for 8s. When dealing Ice DMG with a Dash Attack, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by an additional 20% for 15s. The duration of each effect is calculated separately.
CRIT Rate : 9.6% - 24%
Base ATK : 48 - 713
Role: Support
Rank A
Increases Ice DMG by 15%. When launching an EX Special Attack, all squad members' ATK increases by 2% for 12s, stacking up to 4 times. Repeated triggers reset the duration. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
Increases Ice DMG by 17.5%. When launching an EX Special Attack, all squad members' ATK increases by 2.3% for 12s, stacking up to 4 times. Repeated triggers reset the duration. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
Increases Ice DMG by 20%. When launching an EX Special Attack, all squad members' ATK increases by 2.6% for 12s, stacking up to 4 times. Repeated triggers reset the duration. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
Increases Ice DMG by 22%. When launching an EX Special Attack, all squad members' ATK increases by 2.9% for 12s, stacking up to 4 times. Repeated triggers reset the duration. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
Increases Ice DMG by 24%. When launching an EX Special Attack, all squad members' ATK increases by 3.2% for 12s, stacking up to 4 times. Repeated triggers reset the duration. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
ATK : 10% - 25%
Base ATK : 42 - 624